Saturday, June 13, 2009

Blogging everyday?

So, I kinda considered to give blogging everyday, it gets kinda difficult to do it, but I'm going to keep going on with it!
There maybe be a few days I miss, but I usually go back and blog for that day

Friday, June 12, 2009

Job interview!

So, I have a job interview at Home Depot today at 12:30!
I'm really hoping it goes good and I get a job, that would really help me out in the long run.
I will do another update when I figure out if I get the job or not!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

New Cellphone?

So, I've been contemplating whether or not to get the new Iphone 3G S, my mom told me I can't get a new phone until I get a good job!
I really hope I can get a job and get the Iphone 3G S before this month is over, that would be really cool!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A Job

So, I talked to my friend's dad today about getting a job and he told me I could maybe help him with his construction company sometime next week, maybe!
I hope I can work with him, that would be really good

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Iphone 3G S

So, Apple came out with a new phone yesterday.
It is called the Iphone 3G S, it alot like the Iphone 3G, but it has a better camera and few extra features added to it!
This is the first Iphone that I'm actually interested in, it has all the features that I like. I'm really kinda thinking about getting it, either waiting until I can upgrade or getting it during the contract I'm in.

Monday, June 8, 2009


So, today I had to go around town and go to different places and apply for a job, I really need to find a job, I could use the spare cash for gas!
My mom told me that I have to get a job sometime soon!

Sunday, June 7, 2009


So, toay was graduation!
I'm so glad it is over!
Before graduation I went to Beef O Brady's for lunch with my family. It was was pretty fun.
Right now I'm getting ready to go to the Shockley's house for a graduation party.
It should be fun!